Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What's in a Name?

A good point was raised recently to me on the BioWare Boards. "Shadows of the Past" isn't the best name around. It was pointed out that "Shadows of X" is a pretty commonly used, perhaps overused, name scheme. That is true, but there is a limit to how much I care about that. One thing that bugs me about the name is that it is kind of a pun. Now, unless you're a clever one you probably don't realize how. Just take my word for it, since explaining how it is a pun would spoil some serious plot elements.

In any event, I'm not terribly fond of the name. I mean, I like it, but I'm still hoping something better will come along. The campaign has bore that name for years though, ever since Pen&Paper days. I have been toying with other names though and I have a few ideas. Hopefully the perfect name will crop up before the project is complete.


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